Community Impact

Salvation Army

From the very first week I started Divine Cleaning in February 2017, I decided to donate weekly to the Salvation Army. I chose this charity as they once helped me when I had to leave my home and had nothing. Once I had a unit, they fully furnished it for me and my youngest daughter.

I was so grateful for their help and understanding and I knew when I was back on my feet that The Salvation Army would be who I would support.

Now as my business grows so do my weekly donations to them as I love everything they stand for and their heart to transform Australia one life at a time.

Raising Awareness Around Homelessness

Held every year at the beginning of August, Homelessness Week seeks to raise awareness around people experiencing homelessness, the issues they face, and the action needed to achieve long-lasting solutions, including increasing the supply of social housing. This week is close to The Salvation Army’s heart as we connect daily with people street sleeping, sleeping rough and living in unsafe, insecure housing.

Coordinated by Homelessness Australia, Homelessness Week came about from various churches and missions running winter vigils to remember people who have died on the streets. These vigils were typically held in August, as this is the coldest time of year and a time when people were most likely to be overcome by the elements.

As part of Homelessness Week, The Salvation Army will be supporting the ‘Everybody’s Home’ campaign, calling on local members of parliament to sign a pledge, making a public commitment to build more social housing – creating jobs and helping to end homelessness. These next two months are critical as the government establishes stimulus priorities in response to the COVID-19 fallout. The more MPs offering their support, the greater the pressure on parties to include investment in social housing as part of Australia’s recovery.

“When you choose to engage in Divine Cleaning Australia’s services you are helping us donate and give back to a worthwhile charity close to my heart.” 

– Salvation Army

Sunny Kids

After 4 years in business, I came across Sunny Kids charity and decided I want to be a part of supporting them. Being a part of the P100 Village is an honor as it is a group of likeminded businesses and people with a desire to make a difference. Our investments go towards delivering our charities services, front line services, administration costs, incidental costs and more. Business people helping them run the business of supporting kids.

Did you know the Sunshine Coast Community identifies over 5000 at risk children every year? In response, SunnyKids provides thousands of nights of emergency accommodation, as well as domestic violence and referral counselling. They partner with health, education and child protection agencies to help families change their lives. SunnyKids P100 Village is one of importance as members support the safety net of our communities’ vulnerable kids. With support, we can continue operating our Village and continue to create a safety net for our community.

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